No.Originator/RegistrantCultivarsState/Country- - - - - - - - - - - - - About the Originator - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 Ruh, Jean90OhioJean and her husband, Peter, registered many hostas on behalf of themselves and others.
2 Chamberlain, Steve89New YorkNeuroscientist at Syracuse University. Created the "Academy" series of hostas and uses references to the works of author J.R.R. Tokien in naming many of his hostas.
3 Lachman, Eleanor87MassachusettsEleanor (1915-2004) was a horticulture graduate of the University of Massachusetts. She and her husband, William, were awarded the Alex J. Summers Distinguished Merit Award in 2009.
4 Lachman, Wm86MassachusettsWilliam (1912-1998) was a horticulture graduate of Penn State. He and his wife, Eleanor, were awarded the Alex J. Summers Distinguished Merit Award in 2009.
5 Summers, Alex82DelawareConsidered the "Father" of The American Hosta Society, Alex (1914-2009) was the first president (1968-1978) and was awarded the first Alex J. Summers Distinguished Merit Award in 1982. He introduced several series of hostas including "Harvest", "Honeysong" and "Wheels".

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