Hosta 'Graceland'


This is one of those cases where there are two hostas with the same name. One is registered and, therefore, the "official" version of H. 'Graceland' while the other is a non-registered plants and need to be renamed to avoid further confusion.



Dr. Leonard Jones of North Carolina registered this seedling of H. 'Elvis Lives' in 2006. The medium size mound grows to about 13 inches in height with a spread of 25 inches in an upright form. Its leaves are dark green with a medium green marginal variegation. Lavender flowers bloom from June into July.

Hosta Helper will call this plant 'Graceland' (Leonard Jones).



According to The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), in 2007, Chick Wasitis of Bridgewood Gardens in Maryland offered a different plant under this name but he has since dropped the use of this name.

Hosta Helper will call this plant 'Graceland' (Wasitis).



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