Buttercup, Spearworts, Water Crowfoot, Lesser Celandine

This genus contains about 600 species of annuals, biennials and, primarily, herbaceous perennials.



Ranunculus repens Buttercup
Species Hgt in. Color Type
R. aconitifolius 24-36 white Fibrous
R. acris 24-36 Yellow Fibrous
R. asiaticus 12-30 Various Tuberous
R. montanus 3-6 Yellow Creeping

* Guides and Keys are from the book "Herbaceous Perennial Plants A Treatise on their Identification, Culture, and Garden Attributes" by Dr Allan M. Armitage of the University of Georgia. Varsity Press, Athens, Georgia. 1989 ISBN 0-942375-00. More on Dr Armitage and his other books.


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