Actinidia arguta
Bower Actinidia
Vigorous growing, high climbing vine.
20-30 feet
Plants are polygamo-dioecious. The fragrant white flowers are globular shaped with many dark purple anthers. They are borne in threes in the leaf axils from June to July.
Leaves are 3-5 inches long, simple, alternate, broad ovate to elliptical i.e. heart shaped. The leaves have acuminate tips with rounded bases and serrate margins. Leaf color is lustrous, glossy dark green with a bristly midrib. Leaf petioles are often reddish-purple in color.
Fall color is yellowish green. Leaves persist late in the season.
Buds, concealed above the leaf scars, are small. Terminal buds are lacking.
Stems are glabrous and brown with many lenticels. The brown pith has thin plates. Leaf scars with a single trace are raised.
Fruit is an edible yellow-green ellipsoidal berry, produced in September-October.


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