Cornus amomum
Silky Dogwood or Swamp Dogwood
Northeastern United States

Rounded, multi-stem shrub.
6 to 10 feet in height and spread.
Yellowish white but not fragrant in a flat top cyme.
June - Later than most other dogwoods.
Opposite, simple, elliptic-ovate or elliptic, 2 to 4” long. 1 to 2 1/4” wide, short acuminate, usually rounded at base, medium to dark green and nearly glabrous above, glaucous beneath and with grayish white or brownish hairs on the veins, 4 to 7 vein pairs. petiole-1/3 to 2/3” long, pubescent.
Gray silky coating on new growth gives the plant its common name. Young branches are reddish purple, providing winter color, whereas the older stems develop bark with irregular brown fissures
Drupe 1/4 inch across that are bluish in color with white blotches borne in August.

Similar to C. alba siberica but is larger.


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