Crocus chrysanthus
Golden Crocus

Bright orange flowers while the cultivars have varied colors
Earlier flowering than hybrids of C. vernus
  • 'Ard Schenk' - Clear white flowers, long-lasting flower.
  • 'Blue Bird' - Lavender blue with cream tinges on the inside of the petals.
  • 'Blue Pearl' - Soft blue with bronze base.
  • 'Blue Peter' - Soft blue with a gold throat.
  • 'E.A. Bowles' - Butter yellow with a bronze veining near the base.
  • 'Goldilocks' - Deep yellow with a purple-brown base.
  • 'Lady Killer- Purple-violet outside with a white interior.
  • 'Zenith' - Blue flowers, this cultivar is one of the latest flowering.
  • 'Zwanenburg Bronze' - A bronze color on the outside of the petal and a yellow color on the inside make an unusual flower color.


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