Lycoris squamigera
Magic Lily, Resurrection Lily, Hardy Amaryllis, Autumn Amaryllis, Naked Lily

Erect with Ieafless flower scapes
18-24 inches .
The fragrant lily-like flowers are rose-lilac or pink and are 3-4 inches long. They are borne in a 4-12 flowered umbel atop a leafless flower scape. The white filaments and yellow anthers are conspicuous.
Mid to late summer
The 1 inch wide basal leaves are linear to strap-shaped and 15 inches long. The leaves are produced in the spring and die back to the ground by early summer. This is similar to the foliage character of Colchicum autumnale.
Lycoris is named for a Roman beauty, the mistress of Mark Antony. The disappearance of the leaves and then reappearance of the flowers in the fall is the intriguing aspect of this plant.


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