Paeonia Hybrids
Peony, Chinese Peony, Hybrid Peony
China, Mongolia and Siberia

Round growth habit
3 feet tall plant with equal spread
Various colors, depending upon cultivars selected. Flowers are 3-6 inches wide, very fragrant, outer sepals leaf like, 8 or more petals, which are large and broad. Flower types include single, double and anemone. The peony fragrance can be very sweet and overwhelmingly strong.
Late spring to early summer
alternate, biternate, leaflets elliptical to lanceolate, entire or sometime5 lobed. Leaves 6-8 inches.
Paeonia is of Greek derivation from the name of the physician, Paeon. Pluto changed Paeon into a flower in gratitude for Paeon's successful cure after Hercules defeated Pluto.


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