Forming a large, upright mound of
thick textured, rippled foliage, this cultivar was registered by
Peter Ruh of Sunnybrook Farms in Ohio on behalf of English hybridizer,
Eric Smith in 1993. It grows to about 24 inches in height with a spread of
around 50 inches with medium green foliage that
medium yellow marbled marginal variegation. White, tubular flowers bloom
in late July.
This registration was modified in 1995.
The New Encyclopedia of Hostas by
Grenfell (2009) states: "Moderate to good growth rate. Late to emerge.
Ideal for a woodland planting with shrubs or as a
specimen. A classic hosta which has never been
overshadowed by modern introductions."
Benedict Award, 1989, exhibited by Van Wade. Ruh (1985) reports
seeing this unregistered cultivar in Julie Morss' garden (UK).
Burto (1989) relates it was sent by Paul Aden to Herb Benedict
around 1980."
