Alcea rosea

Tall, unbranched biennial that forms wand-like spikes of flowers.
Pink, white, red, purple, yellow
Rust disease and beetles

  • 'Chater's Double' - The double, ball-shaped flowers are red, pink, white or yellow
  • 'Majorette Mixed' - A dwarf form with a height of about
    30 inches. The flowers are large, semidouble
    flowers in pastel colors.
  • 'Nigra' - Dark maroon flowers are almost black in the center.
  • 'Old Barnyard Mix' - A mix of light and dark colors, biennials that reseed each year, single flowers.
  • 'Peaches 'n' Dreams' - Double, pink flowers have yellow centers.
  • 'Powderpuffs Mixed' - The double flowers are an inch larger than other double hollyhocks. The flowers are yellow, white, pink, scarlet and salmon
  • 'Summer Carnival' - Double flowers in a wide range of colors are produced even on lower parts of the stem.
One of the plants that has a very long history in use as a landscape ornamental.


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