Aster x frikartii   
Frikart's Aster
Hybrid Origin

Loose tumbling growth habit
2-3 feet tall by 3 feet wide
Single flowers, lavender with yellow centers, 2-3 inches wide.
Midsummer to fall
Alternate leaves, oblong to oblanceolate, to 3 inches long near the base, diminishing in size higher on the stem. Leaves are entire to remotely serrate near the apex. Both stems and leaves are lightly pubescent.
  • 'Flora Delight' - By Alan Bloom from a cross of a dwarf form of A. thomsonnii x A. amellus 'Sonia'. Flowers have a pale lilac color. It is 24 inches tall
  • 'Monch' - 30-36 inches tall and has a 36 inches spread.
  • 'Wonder of Stafa' - Lavender-blue flowers, 2˝-3 feet tall. Flowers are arranged in a flat plane.
Frikart's aster is an interspecific cross made by Carl Frikart, a Swiss nurseryman, around 1920. It is a hybrid of A. thomsonnii and A. amellus.


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