Platanus occidentalis
Sycamore, American Plane Tree, Buttonwood
Eastern North America

Upright, broad-spreading, with massive trunk and branches
75-100 feet tall with a similar or greater spread.
Flowers are similar to P. x acerifolia.
Leaves are alternate, simple, 3 or sometimes 5 lobed, usually with a cordate base and prominent “dog ears,” occasionally truncate, coarsely toothed.
Fall color is a poor brown.
Buds are sub-petiolar.
Bark is mottled, exfoliating in smaller plates than P. x acerifolia, creamy white in color.
Fruit is similar to P. x acerifolia, except they are borne singly and lack the bristly hairs.
Susceptible to a serious canker disease (anthracnose) which causes a die-back of the twigs. Therefore, in landscape situations, use P. x acerifolia which is smaller and resistant to this disease.



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