Platanus x acerifolia
London Plane Tree
Hybrid Origin

Upright, broad-spreading, with massive straight trunk and heavy branches.
70-100 feet tall with a spread of 65-80 feet
Plants are monoecious. Flowers are in dense, globular heads, not showy
Leaves are alternate, simple, 5-10 inches wide, 3-5 lobed, with a truncate or cordate base, very coarsely toothed.
Fall color is a poor brown.
Buds are sub-petiolar.
Bark is mottled, exfoliating in large plates, olive-green to cream in color.
Fruit is a rounded, syncarp of achenes, 1 inch cross, usually in pairs (occasionally single or in threes), with bristly hairs projecting out, ripening in October



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