Sempervivum tectorum
Hen and Chicks, Houseleek
Southern Europe

Flat, crowded rosettes.
3-4 inches tall
Purple-red flowers, ˝-1 inch wide, on secund curving branches flower stems are 6-15 inches tall and are densely pubescent.
Open rosette, flat, 3-4 inches wide, 50-60 cuneate-obovate cuspidate leaves 1˝-3 inches long, glabrous.
  • var. calcareum - Glaucous leaves tipped with reddish-brown. Also listed as S. calcareum.
  • S. arachnoideum - Cobweb Hen and Chicks - Leaf tips are connected by cobwebby strands - bright red flowers in July.
  • var. tomentosum - Similar to S. arachnoideum but flowers are yellow.
Sempervivum is derived from semper meaning forever and viva, to live, meaning live forever. These plants are often seen on tiled roofs of European country homes. It is said that houseleeks on the roof will repel lightning and prevents fires.


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