Acanthus spinosus
Spiny Bear's Breeches
5 - 10
Southern Europe
Mounded form
3-4 feet tall and 3 feet wide.
The flowers are purplish, sometimes white and are borne in spikes on 2-4 feet flower stalks. Individual flowers are 1 inch across and subtended by leaf-like, shiny green, often fringed bracts tipped with spines. The corolla is composed of a short tube with an expanded 3 lobed lower lip and no upper lip. Calyx is 4 lobed with 2 lobes smaller than the others.
The shiny dark green deeply lobed leaves rise directly from the ground and may be 2 feet long and 1 foot wide and are tipped with stout thorns.
Slugs and snails
Acanthus is best grown in partial shade and a well-drained soil. If the summers are cool, it will tolerate more sun. Drainage is critical with this species.

Of the two species of Acanthus that are commonly used in landscape gardens, A. mollis is prized for its foliage while A. spinosus is generally noted for its unusual flowers. Also, this species is less hardy than A. spinosus and is grown more in the South.


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