Gailium odoratum
aka Asperula odorata
Sweet Woodruff
Southern Europe, Northern Africa and Asia

Groundcover with erect stems which spreads by rhizomes and may become invasive in some sites.
6-8 inches
White, fragrant flowers, ⅛-¼ inches long, borne in loose branching cymes.
Late spring
Leaves are arranged in whorls of 6-8 and are sessile to the stem, lanceolate 1¼ inches long leaves are bristle-tipped and finely toothed or rough on the margin. The leaves and stems, when crushed, emit a very pleasant odor of new-mown hay.
Gaillum is derived from the Greek word, gallon which was the name of the plant described by Dioscorides as one used for curdling milk.


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