This seedling selection was developed at the
Imperial Botanic Garden in Tokyo,
Japan. It was registered by
The American Hosta Society on their behalf in 1986. The plant grows
into a large size hosta about 25
inches in height with a spread of 52 inches. Its foliage is
green with slight ripples on the margins, smooth texture and
average substance. Medium lavender flowers bloom in July. According to
The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "The name has been badly confused with the similar-sounding
H. nakaiana, though the two are very different

An article about favorite flowering hostas by W. George Schmid in
Hosta Journal (2006 Vol. 37 No. 2) says, "The best
flowers are on H. plantaginea and its multi-petalous cousins, 'Venus'
'Aphrodite'...H. capitata in bud is fine, but its offspring, 'Nakaimo' has
flowers that begin with the shine of precious porcelain and stay closed in bud
longer...H. kikutii forms all have fine and late flowers, but the best are on
H. kikutii var. densa (H. densa). They are white and form a tight bunch at the top
of the scape. H. laevigata has large, spidery flowers in abundance; its cousin
H. yingeri has smaller ones with the same spidery character and dark color.
These spidery flowers are carried all around the stem unlike other hosta flowers
that, "lean to one side...Finally, mature clumps of 'Blue Angel' and 'Elegans'
have a beautiful flower display when many flowers on different scapes open in

is one of the best-blooming hostas with large white
capitate translucent buds and bracts. Developed at the
Imperial Botanic Garden in Tokyo and imported into the
United States before 1939 by Pearce Seed Company,
Moorestown, New Jersey. Due to a mix up at the nursery,
a hosta with lanceolate leaves and purple flowers is
also in commerce under this name, but it is not this
taxon which has wide cordate leaves."
