Ranging from the polyanna primrose (Primula x polyantha) to the tall flower stems of the Japanese primrose (Primula japonica), there are many different types of plants in the genus, Primula.

Primroses can be a bit touchy about their environment. They grow like weeds in places lie the U.K. and the Pacific Northwest but can be a challenge in other parts of the temperate zones.

The key to growing primroses is that they need plenty of moisture throughout the growing season. A site along a stream or at the edge of a pond is ideal. They like cool summers and will suffer if the temperatures get too hot. They will grow in partial shade but prefer more sun to do their best. Winter cold can also be a problem especially if combined with a clay soil.

No special requirements. Plant the same as any other herbaceous perennial. Many primroses will reproduce by self-seeding.

Deadhead spent flowers.

Generally not bothered by insects or disease but the foliage may be eaten by slugs and occasionally they develop bacterial leaf spot disease.

Some of the named cultivars should be propagated by division only. However, many of the primulas (including some cultivars) come true from seed. These should be allow to self-seed in the beds and borders to assure plants every year.

Note: We have provided some general information and observations on this topic aimed at the home gardener. Before you take any serious action in your landscape, check with your state's land grant university's Cooperative Extension Service for the most current, appropriate, localized recommendations.

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