The shrubs listed below grow more quickly than most, although most still take at least two seasons before they resemble a mature effect. Choosing a plant for the speed at which it reaches maturity involves compromise. In general, the faster-growing shrubs have shorter lives and might need to be replaced more frequently.

Abelia x grandiflora - Glossy Abelia
Berberis species - Barberry
Callestemon citrinus - Lemon Bottlebrush
Caragana arborescens - Siberian Peashrub
Ceanothus species - Wild Lilac
Choisya ternata - Mexican Orange
Cornus alba - Tartarian Dogwood
Cornus sericea - Redosier Dogwood
Cotoneaster dammeri - Bearberry Cotoneaster
Cotoneaster divaricatus - Spreading Cotoneaster
Cytisus x praecox - Wanminster Broom
Elaeagnus species
Forsythia species
Fuchsia x hybrida - Common Fuchsia
Hydrangea macrophylla - Bigleaf Hydrangea
Hypericum calycinum - St John's Wort
Kerria japonica - Japanese Kerria
Kolkwitzia amabilis - Beautybush
Ligustrum species- Privet
Lonicera species - Honeysuckle
Myrica species - Northern Bayberry
Nerium species - Oleander
Philadelphus species - Mockorange
Pittosporum species pittosporum
Pyracantha species - Firethorn
Rhus copallina - Flameleaf Sumac
Rhus typhina - Staghorn Sumac
Rosa species - Rose
Spiraea species spirea
Tamarix species - Tamarisk
Weigela Florida- Old Fashioned Weigela



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