There are many types of vines that are of use as ornamentals in the home landscape. Depending on your USDA Hardiness Zone, many or all of the following may be available for your use.

True climbing vines use several mechanisms for moving up whatever is supporting them. Many twine which is when the stem circles around and around the trellis, wire or other support. Others have tendrils which are modified stem segments that wrap around the support as the plant moves upward. Clinging vines usually have aerial roots which move into tiny cracks and crevices in the support and hold on. These types will climb up a brick wall.

Perhaps the most commonly used ornamental vine, Clematis, climbs with the help of their leaf stalks (pedicels). These adaptations twist themselves around the support unit which needs to be rather narrow such as wire or very thin trellis work. They do not climb up brick walls or solid wooden fences.

Actinidia species Actinidia Twine Deciduous 4-7
Akebia species Akebia Twine Deciduous 4
Anipelopsis species Ampelopsis Tendril Deciduous 4-7
Anredera cordifolia Madeira-vine Tendril Evergreen 9
Antignon leptopus Coralvine Tendril Evergreen 9
Aristolochia durior Dutchman's-pipe Twine Deciduous 4
Bignoria capreolata Cross-vine Cling Evergreen 6
Campsis radicans Trumpetcreeper Cling Deciduous 4-7
Cardiospermum halicacabum Balloon-vine Tendril Annual
Celastrus species Bittersweet Twine Deciduous 2-4
Cissus incisa Marine-ivy Tendril Evergreen 8
Clematis species Clematis Pedicels Deciduous 4-7
Clerodendrum thompsoriae Bleedingheart Glorybower Twine Evergreen 9
Cobaea scandens Cup and Saucer Vine Tendril Perennial 9
Cocculus carolinus Carolina Snailseed Twine Evergreen 6
Convolvulus arvensis European Glorybind Twine Deciduous 3
Cryptostegia grandillora Palay Rubbervine Twine Evergreen 10
Dioscorea batatas Cinnamon-vine Twine Evergreen 10
Distictis buccinatorius Blood Trumpetvine Cling Evergreen 9
Dolichos lablab Hyacinth-bean Twine Annual 10
Euonymus tortunei vars Winterereeper Cling Evergreen 5
Hedera species Ivy Cling Evergreen 5-7
Humulus japonicus Japanese Hop Twine Annual
Hydrangea anomala var petiolaris Climbing Hydrangea Cling Deciduous 4
Ipomoea aculeatum Moonflower Twine Annual
Ipomoea purpurea Common Morning-glory Twine Annual
Lathyrus odoratus Sweet Pea Tendril Annual
Lonicera species Honeysuckle Twine Deciduous 3-9
Merispermum species Moonseed Twine Perennial 4
Momordica balsamina Balsam-apple Tendril Annual
Momordica charantia Balsam-pear Tendril Annual
Muehienbeckia complexa Wire Vine Twine Evergreen 5
Parthenocissus species Creeper Cling Deciduous 3-8
Passillora species Passion-flower Tendril Evergreen 7-8
Phaseolus coccineus Scarlet Runner Bean Twine Annual 8
Polygonum aubertii Silver Fleece Vine Twine Deciduous 4
Pueraria lobata Kudzu-vine Twine Deciduous 6
Pyrostegia venusta Orange-trumpet Cling Evergreen 10
Senecio confusus Mexican Fire-vine Twine Evergreen 9
Senecio macroglossus 'Variegatus' Variegated Wax Vine Twine Evergreen 10
Smilax glauca Catbrier Tendril Evergreen
Solanum jasminoides Potato-vine Twine Evergreen 9
Stauntoria hexaphylla Japanese Staunton Vine Twine Evergreen 7
Tecomaria capensis Cape-honeysuckle Twine Evergreen 9
Thunbergia alata Black Eyed Susan Vine Twine Annual
Thunbergia grandiflora Bengal Clockvine Twine Evergreen 8
Trachelospermum species Star-jasmine Twine Evergreen 7-9
Tropaeolum majus Nasturtium Tendril Annual
Vitis species Grape Tendril Deciduous 2-6

Wisteria Twine Deciduous 4-6

Note: All of the vines except those designated as "Annual" are perennial. A "Perennial" designation in the Foliage column indicates a plant that dies to the ground in the fall and comes up again from the root stock the following spring. It does not form a woody stem like those called "Evergreen" or "Deciduous".


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