In terms of landscape design, it is usually desirable to have some variation in form of the plants and hardscape included in beds and borders. If the planting is dominated by rounded or horizontal forms, you will need to install a few plants or features with a vertical orientation.

The plants listed include those with an overall vertical form and with spike-type or non-spike-like flowers and those with only spiked flowers.

Acanthus - Bear's Breeches
Astilbe species - False Spirea
Baptisia species - False Indigo
Cimicifuga (Actea) - Bugbane
Delphinium species - Delphinium
Digitalis species - Foxglove
Iris species - Iris
Kniphofia species - Red Hot Poker
Liatris species - Blazing Star
Ligularia dentata 'The Rocket'
Lobelia cardinalis
Lupinus species - Lupine
Penstemon species - Beardtongue
Primula japonica - Japanese Primrose
Salvia species - Sage
Stachys grandiflora - Big Betony
Thermopsis species - False Lupine
Veronica species - Speedwell

Andropogon - Little Bluestem
Cortaderia - Pampas Grass
Miscanthus - Eulalia Grass


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