This fairly recently created type of roses is a cross between hybrid tea roses and floribunda roses. The hybrid tea provides the flower form and long stems while the floribunda results in multiple blooms and better cold hardiness. Gandifloras grow taller than their parents with a height of 3 to 6 feet or more. At first, before they were given their own name, these plants were called tall floribundas.

The flowers come one to a stem like hybrid teas but there are multiple flower stems forming a cluster. In many of the cultivars, the flowers are also large and may be doubles, hence the name. Like the floribundas, they generally lack fragrance.

Grandiflora cultivars:
1. 'Queen Elizabeth' - medium pink
2. 'Pink Parfait' - pink blend
3. 'Camelot' - medium pink
4. 'Montezuma' - orange-red
5. 'Ole' - orange-red
6. 'Comanche' - orange-red
7. 'Aquarius' - pink blend
8. 'John S. Armstrong' - dark red
9. 'Sonia' - pink blend
10. 'Mount Shasta' - white


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