In the long, long history of roses, the year 1867 is a milestone. That was the year that the first hybrid tea rose cultivar, 'La France' was introduced. It was the result of a cross between a Tea Rose and a Hybrid Perpetual Rose. From that original cross as a model, hybridizers have created the vast majority of roses grown in home landscapes today.

The so-called "modern" roses include climbing roses, floribundas, hybrid teas, miniature roses, polyanthas and tree roses. Plant breeders have worked hard on making them more hardy, have even more beautiful blooms and be resistant to the common diseases of roses. Unfortunately, the flower's fragrance has often been sacrificed in this process. It can be a challenge to find many highly fragrant roses today but that is on the upswing.

For more on each of the modern rose types, click below.


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